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  • Ms. Ponask

Hand Washing Songs!!

Tired of singing "Happy Birthday" twice through to help keep track of your 20 seconds of hand washing? Below are a few different suggestions.

First up is a song from the Regimental Band of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. Are you able to recognize any of the band instruments?

Remember to wash:

-your palms

-back of each hand

-between fingers


-and under nails

Younger students may enjoy the following hand washing songs.

Do you recognize the tunes these next songs are based off of?

Older students and adults may enjoy listening to.... Neil Diamond!

I know Neil Diamond could be heard playing from our very own TES canteen from time to time.

"Hands......washing hands....reaching out.....don't touch me.....I won't touch you" is approximately 20 seconds. The "Sweet Caroline" section is just over 20 seconds.

What other songs, poems, or parts of songs do you know of that are 20 seconds long? See if you can think of some.

Take care and stay well everyone.


Ms. Ponask

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